Archives: Courses

Job, Psalms, Proverbs

We will survey many of the profoundly practical themes revealed in these important OT books. In Job, we will see how God responds to questions when tragedy strikes His faithful servant. In Psalms, we will walk the poetic paths of men who pondered God's majesty amid their own triumphs and failures. In Proverbs, we will reflect on the much-neglected mindset of a life well-lived before God.

M.Div Modules

In addition to their academic courses, M.Div students will complete the following modules, two per year, over the course of three years. The order in which they are completed will be determined in consultation with NCST staff.

The cost is $1,000/year. (The expected cost is a total of $3,000 over three years. If the modules require more time for completion, the cost will continue at the rate of $1,000/year.)

If possible, the practicum should be paid for by the student’s church. (When appropriate, NCST staff will discuss this with church leadership.)

The cost includes regular meetings with NCST staff for coaching and discussion of direction, planning, and evaluations. When possible and appropriate, the meetings will be with other students so that everyone can learn from the experience of others.

John’s Gospel and Epistles

Description: "I love the Gospel of John" is a frequent sentiment among Christians. Famous for its I Am statements, born again dialogue, woman at the well, Good Shepherd, raising of Lazarus, upper room discourse, high priestly prayer, and, of course, John 3:16. And its first 18 verses contain some of the most profound statements ever written. This course will study all of these and more, including, whether the woman caught in adultery belongs in the Bible, along with the epistles written by John.
Teacher: Doug Goodin

OT Prophets

Description: The OT books Isaiah through Malachi contain Yahweh's oracles of blessing (weal) and cursing (woe) delivered through prophets to Israel, Judah, and heathen nations. They announce God's coming judgments and salvation, and the Messiah-Servant-King who will rule the nations and bring worldwide restoration. In this course, we will study these themes as presented and observe how the NT authors interpret them in light of the Lord Jesus.

Introduction to Apologetics and Worldviews

Teacher: Robert "Bob" Bryant

Description: The purpose of the Apologetics course is to give the student a knowledge of the primary objections to the Christian faith. This course is specifically designed to provide the answers to contemporary objections to the faith. The first section will cover the historical roots of these philosophies. The second section covers current philosophies, worldviews, arguments against the faith, and how to defend the faith against them.

BT304 – Synoptic Gospels Copy

Teacher: Dr. Robert "Bob" Bryant

Because of technological advances, data related to the gospels are ubiquitous and plentiful. As such, this course is not limited to a survey of content. In studying the synoptic gospels, it focuses on enabling students to properly exegete passages, identify fallacies, communicate scholarly, and apply the life and teachings of Christ.


" For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28, NAS)?

Objectives: By completion of this course, each student should be able to… 

  • understand and polemically address the synoptic problem
  • analyze various hermeneutic fallacies that lend to variant readings of texts
  • identify similarities and differences between the gospel records
  • scholarly communicate orally and in written form about complex issues derived from the text
  • associate sound religious and historiographic research to texts
  • apply Christ’s life and teachings to current experience

BT304 – Synoptic Gospels

Teacher: Dr. Robert "Bob" Bryant

Because of technological advances, data related to the gospels are ubiquitous and plentiful. As such, this course is not limited to a survey of content. In studying the synoptic gospels, it focuses on enabling students to properly exegete passages, identify fallacies, communicate scholarly, and apply the life and teachings of Christ.


" For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28, NAS)?

Objectives: By completion of this course, each student should be able to… 

  • understand and polemically address the synoptic problem
  • analyze various hermeneutic fallacies that lend to variant readings of texts
  • identify similarities and differences between the gospel records
  • scholarly communicate orally and in written form about complex issues derived from the text
  • associate sound religious and historiographic research to texts
  • apply Christ’s life and teachings to current experience

Old Testament Historical Narratives

Teacher: Dan Brown

This course will survey the historical narrative material in the Old Testament from the books of Genesis to Esther. Special emphasis will be placed upon the creation account in Genesis, Chapters 1-11, and the place of the Old Covenant in the unfolding of redemptive history. Particular attention will also be given to the necessity of the New Covenant and its partial unveiling within the Old.