Description: "I love the Gospel of John" is a frequent sentiment among Christians. Famous for its I Am statements, born again dialogue, woman at the well, Good Shepherd, raising of Lazarus, upper room discourse, high priestly prayer, and, of course, John 3:16. And its first 18 verses contain some of the most profound statements ever written. This course will study all of these and more, including, whether the woman caught in adultery belongs in the Bible, along with the epistles written by John.
Teacher: Doug Goodin
Module 1 | Overview and Links | |
Unit 1 | Zoom Link and Videos | |
Unit 2 | Course Overview | |
Module 2 | Weekly Assignments | |
Unit 1 | Week 1 - John 1-5, Adulterous Woman | |
Unit 2 | Week 2 - John 6-12 | |
Unit 3 | Week 3 - John 13-18 | |
Unit 4 | Week 4 - John 19-21; Epistles |