- You will learn to think and live well in the New Covenant.
- You will be equipped to teach God’s Word and to make disciples of Jesus.
- You will learn how to interpret the Bible with a Christ-centered hermeneutic.
- You will build a theological framework on Biblical Theology and New Covenant Theology.
- You will learn from the comfort of your home.
- You can afford it.
Sample a Recent Class
John’s Gospel and Epistles, August 8-30
Details coming soon
We believe…
First, we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.
Second, we believe the doctrines of grace.
Third, we believe that the gospel must be proclaimed worldwide with passion, grace, humility, and truth, so that disciples are made in all nations.
Fourth, we believe that Jesus came to fulfill everything in the Old Testament Scriptures, and that He inaugurated an entirely new, superior, and everlasting covenant with all who believe the gospel. (This is what distinguishes New Covenant Theology from other Evangelical tribes.)
See our complete Statement of Faith to learn more about what we believe.
We train pastors, elders, lay leaders, and any interested Christian from the Christ-centered perspectives of New Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology.
It has become my passion to make it the passion of others to be intentionally Christ-obsessed in all things.
(Read more from Doug)
Class Schedule
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