Dear Friends in Christ,
I will never forget the first time I read the entire Bible cover to cover. One thing struck me on virtually every page of the Scripture—God is sovereign and He controls all things.
For the next several years this truth occupied all of my thinking and studying of the Bible. A little while later, another magnificent truth began to leap out at me from the pages of God’s holy Word. I began to understand that the whole of the Scripture is about Jesus Christ. More than that, I began to see that the purpose for the entire universe is Jesus Christ. My mind and heart have been captivated by this glorious reality ever since. And it has become my passion to make it the passion of others to be intentionally Christ-obsessed in all things. That is the impetus for Cross to Crown Ministries.
Our motivation is simple. We want to encourage believers to live purposefully with explicit devotion to Jesus Christ in every facet of life. This includes Bible study, teaching, marriage, parenting, worship, working, playing, learning, retirement planning, or anything else we do. To accomplish this task we are committed to training pastors who interpret the Word of God from an intentionally Christ-centered perspective. We train elders to shepherd the Lord’s people toward intentionally Christ-exalting living. We train lay leaders to direct church ministries according to internationally Christ-focused purposes. We help all students of the Scripture to intentionally read the Bible as the story of Jesus Christ. And we create and distribute resources which will exalt Christ and encourage believers to be intentionally Christ-obsessed in all things.
There are several distinct facets to our ministry. The New Covenant School of Theology trains pastors, elders, lay leaders, and any interested Christian from the Christ-centered perspectives of New Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology. We also produce resources—written, audio, and video—to help you to think and live intentionally Christianly. We produce music to be used for personal and public worship and edification in the hope that our intentionally Christ-exalting, New Covenant-oriented songs will spur Christians to love and good deeds for His glory and praise. Our website is the one stop location for all of our ministries and resources.
It is my earnest prayer that the New Covenant School of Theology and its parent organization, Cross to Crown Ministries, will be used for the glory of Jesus Christ, for the good of his people, and for the proclamation of His gospel, so that He might come to have first place in all things (Colossians 1:18).
Yours in Christ,
Douglas Goodin | President